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Cambo WRS Rear Lens Covers are shipping now!

Posted by Rory Shinners | 07 August 2019

If you have a Cambo WRS, WRC, or WDS technical camera, you may have had the issue of having difficulty removing the rear lens cap - this new cover solves that.

Technical Cameras, Phase One

Behind the scenes: Artist Rone photographs his immersive exhibition EMPIRE with the Phase One IQ4 150MP

11 April 2019

We went on-set with Rone to see how the 150 megapixel back was used to document his lates work.

Phase One

What is the Infinity Platform in the new IQ4 digital backs?

30 September 2018

Hidden behind the familiar name and shape of the IQ4 series Digital Backs is actually a whole new system architecture. Phase One are calling it the "Infinity Platform".

Phase One

Phase One launches the IQ4

28 August 2018

The headline stealing 151 megapixel BSI sensor and advanced connectivity are just the beginning. We take a look at the stunning new features of the Phase One IQ4.

Phase One

Phase One XF Camera System Feature Update #4

15 September 2017

The latest software update to the XF is focussed on focus, and really highlights the camera platform’s ability to grow.

Phase One

Upgrading the Phase One XF Autofocus Sensor

08 September 2017

Phase One are delivering continuous development for the XF Camera System, this time with the new HAP-2 autofocus sensor.

A new high volume workflow solution for digital preservation

23 May 2017

The new Phase One iXG Camera is an incredible industrial grade camera perfect for institutions with large collections needing the highest resolution and colour fidelity.

Phase One

Phase One XF Camera System Feature Update #3

03 October 2016

Professional workflow advantages are now available in the XF Camera System Feature Update #3, providing unparalleled productivity.

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