Phase One IQ Digital Backs

Dedicated to imaging perfection, the digital backs from Phase One are crafted with one thing in mind: Image Quality.

Iq3 100 80 50 Mp Trichromatic Db Low Res Copy
Resolution numbers aside, there is just something about these digital backs; if they were musical instruments I would say they have great timbre.
Jesse O'Brien - Fashion photographer, Aus

Phase One IQ digital backs are the most advanced digital medium format camera backs available. A wide range of configurations are available to suit medium format and technical cameras including the Phase One XF.

The Specular team can advise which digital back is best suited to your work. At the heart of an IQ digital back is a CMOS or CCD sensor with resolutions from 40 megapixels to 100 megapixels.

What is the difference between CCD and CMOS sensors?

Every back is capable of capturing an extraordinary 16-bits of colour information per channel, with very large dynamic range. For the specialist photographer there are pure monochrome digital backs available: the IQ4 150MP Achromatic, IQ3 100MP Achromatic and IQ260 Achromatic backs delivering unsurpassed tonal information.

From the outset Phase One backs have been built with tethering to Capture One at the core of their architecture, so studio photographers benefit from fast file transfers and robust connectivity. Unlike DSLRs, the tethering ports on IQ backs are recessed to ensure cables do not move or get damaged in use.

Features of the Phase One IQ range of digital backs include:

  • 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 and 150 megapixel options
  • 16-bit per channel colour
  • 3.2" high resolution touch screen
  • Simple touch menu navigation and four physical buttons
  • Zoom (up to 400%), pan, and browse full resolution images
  • USB 3.0 and FireWire 800 connectivity (IQ1, IQ2 & IQ3)
  • USB-C, Ethernet & Wireless Tethering connectivity (IQ4)
  • CFExpress Card Slot (IQ4), CF Card slot (IQ1, IQ2 & IQ3)
  • IIQ L (lossless) and IIQ S (lossy) RAW file compression options
  • Freedom to use on technical or 5x4 cameras
  • Basic Live View (40, 60, and 80 megapixel)
  • Video-like Live View (50, 100 and 150 megapixel)
  • White balance tool
  • Focus mask tool
  • Bullseye level / virtual horizon

IQ4 Digital Back Range

The Phase One IQ4 digital back introduced a whole new interface, connectivity and capability. With IQ4 digital backs offered in 100 and 150 megapixel configurations, photographers get the best combination of highest image quality and new technology.

The unique features of IQ4 are focussed on supporting faster integrated workflows including deep support for the Phase One XF Camera, and also adding convenient tools for users of technical cameras.

XF Camera Integration

XF Camera Power Sharing & USB Charging

Advanced image preview tools

Features for technical cameras

Iq4 1
IQ4 150MPIQ4 150MP AchromaticIQ4 100MP Trichromatic
Resolution (megapixels) 151 151 101
Long Exposure (minutes) 60 60 60
Dynamic Range (f-stops) 15 15 15
Sensitivity (ISO) 50 - 25,600 200 - 102,400 35 - 12,800
Lens Factor 1 1 1
Sensor Type CMOS (Back Side Illuminated) CMOS CMOS (Back Side Illuminated)
Sensor Size (pixels) 14204 x 10652 14204 x 10652 11608 x 8708
Sensor Size (mm) 53.4 x 40 53.4 x 40 53.4 x 40
Pixel Dimensions (micron) 3.76 3.76 4.6
Output @ 300DPI (cm) 120.26 x 90.19 120.26 x 90.19 98.3 x 73.2
Storage CFexpress, XQD, SD, Capture One CFexpress, XQD, SD, Capture One CFexpress, XQD, SD, Capture One
Tethering Ethernet, USB-C, Wireless Ethernet, USB-C, Wireless Ethernet, USB-C, Wireless
Battery BP-911/914/915 3400 mAh BP-911/914/915 3400 mAh BP-911/914/915 3400 mAh
Mount Options* XF XF XF

IQ3 Digital Back Range

With IQ3 digital backs offered in 50, 60, 80, and three 100 megapixel configurations, photographers get more advanced integrations and tools while including all the great features of IQ2 like WiFi connectivity.

The unique features of IQ3 are focussed on supporting faster integrated workflows including deep support for the Phase One XF Camera, and also adding convenient tools for users of technical cameras.

XF Camera Integration

XF Camera Power Sharing & USB Charging

Advanced image preview tools

Features for technical cameras

Iq3100 2
IQ3 100MP TrichromaticIQ3 100MP AchromaticIQ3 100MPIQ3 80MPIQ3 60MPIQ3 50MP
Resolution (megapixels) 101 101 101 80 60.5 51
Long Exposure (minutes) 60 60 60 60 60 60
16 bit Opticolor+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Dynamic Range (f-stops) 15 15 15 13 13 14
Sensitivity (ISO) 35 - 12,800 200 - 51,200 50 - 12,800 50 - 800 50 - 800 100 - 6400
Sensor+ (ISO) - - - 200 - 3200 (20 megapixel) 200 - 3200 (15 megapixel) -
Lens Factor 1 1 1 1 1 1.3
Sensor Size (pixels) 11608 x 8708 11608 x 8708 11608 x 8708 10328 x 7760 8984 x 6732 8280 x 6208
Sensor Size (mm) 53.7 x 40.4 53.7 x 40.4 53.7 x 40.4 53.7 x 40.4 53.7 x 40.4 44 x 33
Pixel Dimensions (micron) 4.6 4.6 4.6 5.2 6 5.3
Output @ 300DPI (cm) 98.3 x 73.2 98.3 x 73.2 98.3 x 73.2 87.4 x 65.6 76.1 x 57 70.1 x 52.6
Mount Options* XF XF XF / H XF / H / V XF XF

*Mount Options for IQ Backs include
XF: Suits Phase One XF, DF+ and DF, Mamiya DF+ and DF
H: Suits Hasselblad H1 and H2
V: Suits Hasselblad V-series
C: Suits Contax 645

IQ2 Digital Back Range

IQ2 digital backs come in a 50, 60, and 80 megapixel configurations including the vaunted 60 megapixel Achromatic version. The addition of long exposure ability (IQ260 only), increases in dynamic range for the CCD sensors, and the built-in WiFi antenna distinguish IQ2 from IQ1 series backs.

Built-in WiFi Antennas

GPS Data Recording

Long Exposure Mode (IQ260)

02 99161553
IQ280IQ260IQ260 AchromaticIQ250
Resolution (megapixels) 80 60.5 60.5 51
Long Exposure (minutes) 2 60 2 60
16 bit Opticolor+ Yes Yes Yes No
Dynamic Range (f-stops) 13 13 13 14
Sensitivity (ISO) 50 - 800 50 - 800 200 - 3200 100 - 6400
Sensor+ (ISO) 200 - 3200 (20 megapixel) 200 - 3200 (15 megapixel) - -
Lens Factor 1 1 1 1.3
Sensor Size (pixels) 10328 x 7760 8984 x 6732 8984 x 6732 8280 x 6208
Sensor Size (mm) 53.7 x 40.4 53.7 x 40.4 53.7 x 40.4 44 x 33
Pixel Dimensions (micron) 5.2 6 6 5.3
Output @ 300DPI (cm) 87.4 x 65.6 76.1 x 57 76.1 x 57 70.1 x 52.6
Mount Options* XF / H / C / V XF / H / C / V XF / H / C / V XF / H / C / V

*Mount Options for IQ Backs include
XF: Suits Phase One XF, DF+ and DF, Mamiya DF+ and DF
H: Suits Hasselblad H1 and H2
V: Suits Hasselblad V-series
C: Suits Contax 645

IQ1 Digital Back Range

In order to support photographers who may not need advanced features and integrations available with IQ3, Phase One offer their most popular sensors in the IQ1 range.

We often recommend an IQ1 digital back to photographers who own cameras other than the Phase One XF, or who use technical cameras and have traditional imaging workflows.

Iq Group Sml
IQ1 100MPIQ180IQ160IQ150IQ140
Resolution (megapixels) 101 80 60.5 51 40
Long Exposure (minutes) 60 2 2 60 2
16 bit Opticolor+ Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Dynamic Range (f-stops) 15 12.5 12.5 14 12.5
Sensitivity (ISO) 35 - 12,800 50 - 800 50 - 800 100 - 6400 50-800
Sensor+ (ISO) - 200 - 3200 (20 megapixel) 200 - 3200 (15 megapixel) - 200 - 3200 (10 megapixel)
Lens Factor 1 1 1 1.3 1.3
Sensor Size (pixels) 11608 x 8708 10328 x 7760 8984 x 6732 8280 x 6208 7320 x 5484
Sensor Size (mm) 53.7 x 40.4 53.7 x 40.4 53.7 x 40.4 44 x 33 43.9 x 32.9
Pixel Dimensions (micron) 4.6 5.2 6 5.3 6.6
Output @ 300DPI (cm) 98.3 x 73.2 87.4 x 65.6 76.1 x 57 70.1 x 52.6 62 x 46.4
Mount Options* XF / H XF / H / C / V XF / H / C / V XF / H / C / V XF / H / C / V

*Mount Options for IQ Backs include
XF: Suits Phase One XF, DF+ and DF, Mamiya DF+ and DF
H: Suits Hasselblad H1 and H2
V: Suits Hasselblad V-series
C: Suits Contax 645


Find the latest information on the range of Phase One IQ3, IQ2, and IQ1 digital backs here.

To discuss the Phase One XF contact Specular in Melbourne or Sydney.

Did you know you can rent Phase One digital backs, cameras and lenses from Specular? Read more about Phase One rental in Melbourne and Sydney on our hire page.

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