Mamiya HX701 Digital Back Adapter Plate for RZ67 Pro II D
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The Mamiya HX701 Digital Back Adapter allows certain Digital backs to be able to be mounted and used with the Mamiya RZ67 Pro II D Medium Format Camera Body. Compatible digital backs include certain models from Phase One and Mamiya Leaf.
The Mamiya HX-701 Digital Back Adapter allows normal rotation on the Mamiya RZ67 Pro IID.
(Phase One part number 70994 but without the viewfinder masks and trigger cable, also known as Mamiya part numbers 212-107 and 524320)
No cables are required unless triggering a capture from a computer is required. (Phase One part number: 50300189)
NB: Acetate masks for the RZ67 viewfinder are available that outline the approximate frame size based on the sensor in the digital back. Please ask for the correct mask or select for the versions below.
Note: Phase One IQ4 digital backs can only be used in Electronic Shutter mode, see our blog for more information on how to do this (
Product code 14-524320