
Cambo WRA-2032 Rodenstock 32mm f4.0 HR Digaron-W Lenspanel - No Shutter (Aperture only)


The WRA-2032 Lenspanel is dedicated to the use with Digital Backs with sensor activated electronic shutter and has a Rodenstock 4,0/32 HR Digaron-W lens with Aperture Only mounted in a helical focussing mount.

This is an incredible medium-wide angle lens (21mm eqivalent in 35mm) for medium format digital systems providing lots of rise, fall and horizontal shift movement capabilities.

This lens is suitable for use with all digital back including Phase One IQ1, IQ2, IQ4 and IQ4 models

- Angle of View: 107°
- f-top range: 4 - 32 (recommended 5.6 - 8)
- Image Circle: 90mm
- Front filter thread: 86mm
- Push on Cap: 90mm
- Rear mount diameter: 56mm

Shortest focal distance to object: 0.3 mtr

NB: Image not of actual product model.

Product code CAM-99162032

Image circle of lens at f/8: 90mm

Optical Movements:

  • CCD size 37x37mm: 23/23mm
  • CCD size 33x44mm: 23/20mm
  • CCD size 36x48mm: 20/17mm
  • CCD size 37x49mm: 19/17mm
  • CCD size 40x54mm: 15/13mm
  • CCD size 36x56mm: 17/13mm

Camera Movements:

WDS: Up / Down / Left / Right: 34 / 26 / 20 / 20mm
WRS: Up / Down / Left / Right: 25 / 15 / 20 / 20mm

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