
Profoto Clic Softgrid for Softbox 1x3' (30x90cm)


If you have the Profoto Clic Softbox 1x3' (30 x 90cm), you can attach this Softgrid to reduce the light spread to 50°.

The softgrid creates a more directed light and eliminates a large amount of spill light, allowing you to shape the light with even more precision.

• Limits the light spread to 50°.
• Easy pull-over mounting technique for fast setup.
• Compact and lightweight.
• Made with high-quality fabrics.
• Delivered in a labelled soft pouch.

Product code PRO-101322

Why buy Profoto from Specular?

Add an optional Softgrid to your Clic Softbox 1x3’ to narrow the light spread to 50°. The softgrid creates a more controlled, directional light and significantly reduces spill, giving you greater precision when shaping light.

By limiting light spread, the softgrid enhances contrast in your images, delivering a more dramatic and moody look. It’s especially useful for avoiding unwanted illumination of the background or surrounding areas.


  • Limits the light spread to 50°.
  • Velcro attachments for fast and easy setup.
  • Compact and lightweight.
  • Made with high-quality fabrics.
  • Delivered in a labeled soft pouch.
  • Compatible with Clic Softbox 1x3’.
  • Front diameter 30x90 cm / 12x36 in.

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