Cgptm Cgptg Cgptar

Image Science Associates

ISA ColorGauge Pico Target (Matt)


The ISA ColorGauge Pico Target has the identical 18 colour patches as the GretagMacbeth™ ColorChecker®, plus 12 spectrally neutral grey patches to assess correct exposure and white balance in close-up or macro photography applications.

Matte grey patches have a lower dynamic range (density ~ 1.6) but are more suited to narrow illumination geometries such as those used in endoscopic imaging or with direct on-camera flash units. Because the matte surface can be interpreted as imager noise, it is not recommended to use matte grey patch targets for evaluating imager noise in high magnification applications.

Product code ISA-CGPTM

• Size: 9.5mm x 11mm x 1.5mm
• Patch sizes: 1.58mm x 1.58mm

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