• Size: 17.5mm x 20.2mm x 1.5mm
• Patch sizes: 3mm x 3mm
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Image Science Associates
The Image Science Associates ColorGauge Nano Target has the identical 18 color patches as the GretagMacbeth™ ColorChecker®, plus 12 spectrally neutral grey patches to assess correct exposure and white balance in close-up or macro photography applications.
Gloss grey patches have an extended dynamic range (density ~ 2.4) and are suitable for measuring camera imager noise. Specular reflections from the gloss surface may occur for illumination geometries less than 45°/0° when used without crossed polarisers.
Product code ISA-CGNTG
• Size: 17.5mm x 20.2mm x 1.5mm
• Patch sizes: 3mm x 3mm
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