Phase One Certified Professional SYDNEY - August 2018

Posted on July 01, 2018

What is POCP?

This is a two day intensive certification for professionals to improve their on-set skills, specifically:

  • Working with Phase One cameras and digital backs
  • Working with Phase One digital backs on technical camera systems
  • Tethering management for Phase One, Canon, Nikon, Sony etc.
  • Recommended workstation configuration and set-up
  • Efficient workflow in Capture One Pro 11
  • How to run Capture Pilot for client preview

Attendees who pass the course also receive a full Capture One Pro 11 license.

Benefits of POCP

After successfully passing POCP, attendees are certified for two years, and can us the POCP logo to promote their business. Additionally you will be listed on the Phase One website as a certified professional in your home city. 

If you are an assistant or digital operator looking to make a leap to higher end commercial sets this course will give you a solid grounding in mission critical skills. 

Who should attend

  • Photographers who want a deepen understanding of Capture One Pro and Phase One hardware.
  • Assistants looking to start working as a digital-op/digital-tech.
  • Digi-ops/digi-techs who want to improve their knowledge and gain the skills for higher-end productions.

Training Details

Who should attend: Photographers, Digital Operators / Digital Technicians.

When: Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th of August, 9am-5pm

Where: Rokeby Studios
1/90-94 Rokeby Street, Collingwood VIC 3066

Price: $693 (inc GST)
Lunch and refreshments provided both days.

Registrations are essential, please download the registration form and return to [email protected].

Course Guide

Training seminars include a mixture of lecture and hands-on practice. You will have the opportunity to use the Phase One IQ series camera systems featuring the Phase One XF Camera and Schneider LS lenses.

Topics covered:

Phase One digital backs, camera bodies and lenses
- Technology inside the Phase One IQ series digital backs
- Phase One XF camera camera system and lenses
- Recommended usage and capabilities
- Troubleshooting

Third party cameras
- Use of technical cameras with Phase One digital backs
- Legacy camera troubleshooting
- Canon/Nikon tethering

- Recommended setups
- Troubleshooting and maintenance

Capture One Pro 10 Software
- Efficient on-set workflow
- Advanced tools
- Troubleshooting

The certification process consists of three steps:

  1. Qualification of pre-course materials
  2. Attending the official POCP training course (2 days)
  3. Passing the online certification exam within 5 days of the course

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