Shortest focal distance to object: 35cm
Image circle of lens at f/8: 90mm
Optical Movements:
- CCD size 37x37mm: 23/23mm
- CCD size 33x44mm: 23/20mm
- CCD size 36x48mm: 20/17mm
- CCD size 37x49mm: 19/17mm
- CCD size 40x54mm: 15/13mm
- CCD size 36x56mm: 17/13mm
Camera Movements:
WDS: Up / Down / Left / Right: 34 / 26 / 20 / 20mm
WRS: Up / Down / Left / Right: 25 / 15 / 20 / 20mm
Phase One XT: Up / Down / Left / Right: 12 / 12 / 12 / 12mm