Cam 99164180


Cambo WRX-180S Rodenstock 180mm f5.6 HR Digaron-S (Long Helical / Short Barrel with Spacer) Lenspanel with Phase One X-Shutter for Wide-RS


The WRX-180S Lenspanel is dedicated to the use with the Cambo Wide RS series or Phase One XT cameras along with Phase One IQ4 Digital Backs and has a Rodenstock 4.0/50 HR Digaron-W lens with Phase One X-Shutter mounted in a helical focussing mount.

This lens is suitable for use with all Phase One IQ4 models.

- Angle of view: 43.5°
- f-top range: 6.5 - 32 (recommended 6.5)
- Image Circle: 110mm
- Front filter thread: 67mm
- Push on Cap: 70mm
- Rear mount diameter: 54mm

Movement ranges at sensor sizes (mm):
24 x 36 mm ↑ 24 → 20
33 x 44 mm ↑ 17 → 14
40 x 54 mm ↑ 9 → 8

Not compatible with Phase One XT due to spacer arrangement.

Product code CAM-99164180

Shortest focal distance to object: approx. 170cm

Image circle of lens at f/11: 80 mm

Optical Movements:

  • CCD size 37x37mm: 17/17mm
  • CCD size 33x44mm: 17/14 mm
  • CCD size 36x48mm: 14/12 mm
  • CCD size 37x49mm: 13/11 mm
  • CCD size 40x54mm: 9 / 8 mm
  • CCD size 36x56mm: 13/ 7 mm

Please note that the optical movements are larger than achievable due to mechanical limitation.

Camera Movements:

WRS-1200: Up / Down / Left / Right: 25 / 15 / 20 / 20mm
WRS-1600: Up / Down / Left / Right: 20 / 20 / 20 / 20mm

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