
Cambo WRC-HVSA Kit - Camera system for Hasselblad digital backs


Includes :

• Cambo WRC-400 Camera with WRC-H61 Palisander Handgrip
• SLW-80 interface plate for Hasselblad V
• WRS-HSVA lens adaptor for Hasselblad 500 series lenses.

This Kit comprises the WRC-400 camera body, the new WRS-HVSA lenspanel adpating Hasselblad 500-series lenses, the SLW-80 interface for the CFV II 50 and compatible, as well as a wooden handgrip.

The WRC-400 Camera body has 20mm shift, in either vertical or horizontal position, depending on the orientation. Handgrip, tripod mount and SLW-adpter can be mounted in any position as wished.

The WRS-HVSA lensplate allows you to mount lenses from the Hasselblad-500 series, in combination with the WRS series camera and adds extra functionality for the lens' leaf shutter to be activated and released.

The aperture of the lenses can be set manually, the shutter can be cocked manually and released with the supplied cable release.

The practical use of lenses may be limited to those that have enough image circle coverage for the used digital back when using shifts.

The availability of Hasselblad lenses of the 500 series goes back a long time and this also gives you the opportunity to use particular old style legacy lenses, as well as very long focal lengths without the extreme physical extension of symmetric LF lenses.

Digital back and lens not included.

Product code 02-99164025

This adapter will work with virtually any digital back that can be triggered externally by means of the flash sync contact.

Next to that it can also be used with those digital backs that have a built-in ES-shutter (sensor activated electronic shutter), which work as shutterless digital back, such as the PhaseOne IQ3 100MP and the new IQ4 series.

The aperture of the lenses can be set manually, the shutter can be cocked manually and released with the supplied cable release.

The practical use of lenses may be limited to those that have enough image circle coverage for the used digital back when using shifts.

The availability of Hasselblad lenses of the 500 series goes back a long time and this also gives you the opportunity to use particular old style legacy lenses, as well as very long focal lengths without the extreme physical extension of symmetric LF lenses.

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