ARCA-SWISS - Monoball p0 Ball Head with FlipLock® Quick Release


The ARCA-SWISS p0 inverts the traditional ball head construction, and uses an aspherical ball so the further from upright you move your camera the greater the resistance.

Due to the rotating ring lock it is easy release and tighten with one hand on the camera grip and the other adjusting the tension of the movement.

The ARCA-SWISS Monoball p0 Ball Head with FlipLock® Quick Release features a flip lock release for the camera plate.

NB: ARCA-SWISS tripod heads do not come with a camera plate, please select an appropriate camera plate or L-bracket from the Related Products below.

Product code ARC-801215

The ARCA-SWISS Monoball p0 Ball Head with FlipLock® Quick Release features

• inverted ball position that keeps the pivot point close to the camera
• ergonomic release ring
• top panning movement so the camera can be panned after levelling
• light weight and compact

Weight: 420g
Payload: 20kg
Dimensions: 74 x 60mm

The Monoball p0 is our favourite tripod head for travel and general photography, as well as being popular for advertising and studio photography where rapid re-framing is required and geared movement is not needed.

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